Video about Mekniyan history

Do you know, how Mekniy was founded? Did you know, that Mekniy was founded in 23 AD? The naacal Hanunkx, Mekniyan first hero, came from Korea with his crew of people, who could not stand the former emperor of Koguryeo state.

The people migrated across Asia to the centre of Europe, where they established the first state, Two provinces of Mida. Time passed and Koreans slowly assimilated to the Celtic population. When the Slavic people came from southern Europe, the Ilbunila province of Mida was untouched, thus people of Ilbunila are more than half Celtic+Korean descent.

Time passed on and Mekniyan people forgot about being different from Czechs. First modern Mekniyan state was established on island of Cyprus in 2009. Nissiian Kingdom migrated from Cyprus back to Czechia. 2014 was important year for Mekniy, the national uprising started and idea of being Mekniyan gained popularity. In 2015 Mekniy, Lurk, Darth and Alaric micronations founded Coronese Confederation, now known as Coronese Union.

We’ve came long way, now, Mekniy is federation of Mekniyan lands and Esagitian crown, modern and refined micronation.